YUEH LIANG, Purdue University


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationshipsamong the compaction variables (dry density, water content, andcompaction energy) and the shearing behavior of a field compactedSt. Croix clay. The strength tests were performed by unconsolidated-undrained (UU) and saturated consolidated-undrained (CIU)(' )triaxials. These were run at various confining pressures toapproximate the end of construction and long term conditions atseveral embankment depths. Samples for the triaxial tests were taken from the ten past pads, which had been compacted to three levels of effort, at five levels of water content, and by two kinds of rollers. The results of field as-compacted strength from UU tests showed that an increase in strength results from an increase in density or a decrease in water content. The strength also increased with confining pressure until a near-saturation condition was reached in the sample. A regression model for field as-compacted strength was thus developed in terms of the water content, dry density, and confining pressure. The effective stress strength parameters were evaluated forvarious compaction conditions through the performance ofsaturated consolidated undrained triaxial tests with pore waterpressure measurements. The results of the testing program showedthat the effective stress strength parameters, c' and (phi)', are functionsof compaction water content and initial void ratio. For a constantvalue of initial void ratio, as the water content increases, c' increasesand (phi)' decreases. The values of volumetric strain due to saturation(' )and consolidation, and Skempton's A parameter at failure demonstrated dependency on the water content, dry density, energy level, and confinement for this field compacted soil. Comparison of the prediction models for as-compacted and saturated undrained strength of a field compacted medium plastic St. Croix clay were made with prediction models previously developed for a laboratory compacted highly plastic St. Croix clay. The coupling of the relations for field compaction with those previously established for laboratory compaction is also reported here.



Subject Area

Civil engineering

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