A steady state mathematical model was developed in order to study the performance of a single acting piston oscillating electrodynamic compressor. The model includes the various losses in the compressor, such as the valve losses, friction loss, and the iron losses. The mathematical model was programmed to simulate the oscillating compressor. Various tests were carried out on a prototype compressor and the compression between the experiments and the model is presented. The study indicated that this type of compressor is very sensitive to driving frequency and the importance of tuning the natural frequency to it was shown. The model also illustrates the sensitivity of this compressor to pressure ratio as far as the mass flow rate is concerned. A design procedure was developed to design an oscillating compressor. Several compressors were designed and their performances were studied. It was concluded that it is possible to design an oscillating compressor in the 1/3 H.P. range which may have a better performance compared to the conventional compressor by reducing the friction loss. A new concept of design was developed to control the clearance volume of the oscillating compressor. This new concept seems to reduce the sensitivity of the compressor to pressure ratio as far as the volumetric efficiency is concerned. Also, the total efficiency seems to be improved.
Subject Area
Mechanical engineering
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