Resource Productivity Estimates for Five Types of Philippine Farms

EMILIO U QUINTANA, Purdue University


This study has been an attempt to provide an empirical base for decisions relative to possible governmental action programs affecting re- source allocation, efficiency and agricultural output of five types of Philippine farms and to provide a set of guides to these farmers relative to the kind and magnitude of adjustments in resource allocation which might be required to increase economic efficiency, income and farm output.The specific objectives of this study were: to statistically estimate production functions and derive marginal value products for each of several input categories used in production on five types of Philippine farms in 1956-57, to determine optimum combinations of resources for a given level of production under given factor-factor price relationships and to compare marginal value productivities of these several resource categories as a basis for indicating the economic desirability of possible re-allocation of resources among and within the five types of farms.This study was concerned with rice, corn, tobacco, abaca and coffee farms in the Philippines. A probability sample of farms was drawn from each of these strata. These samples consisted of 62 rice farms, 59 com farms, 60 tobacco farms, 60 abaca farms and 50 coffee farms. Data were obtained by personal interview of the farm operator.



Subject Area

Agricultural economics

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