"A Factorial Study of the Job Preferences of Industrial Managers" by PAUL JOHN PATINKA

A Factorial Study of the Job Preferences of Industrial Managers

PAUL JOHN PATINKA, Purdue University


This study involves an attempt to identify the basic dimensions in a set of job related variables, to determine and analyze scores for these dimensions, and to relate the results to the problem of managerial motivation.In response to an open-end questionnaire, 87 managers in a manufacturing plant compared their own jobs with those of their subordinates and immediate supervisors. Specifically, each was asked to state the ways he felt his own job was su- perior to the jobs of his subordinates and immediate super- visor, and the ways he felt their jobs were superior to hisTheme analysis of the 1033 obtained statements yielded 25 Job themes. The intercorrelation matrix for these themes was cluster analyzed and four clusters of job themes were identified.From the results of the theme and cluster analyses, 18 job characteristics were developed and arranged for paired- comparison evaluation.



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