"The supply and demand of wine-on-tap in the United States: An examinat" by Michaela Andrea Nuebling

The supply and demand of wine-on-tap in the United States: An examination of perceptions and experiences

Michaela Andrea Nuebling, Purdue University


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the perceptions and early experiences associated with a recent trend in the United States' foodservice and wine industry: wine-on-tap. Three study populations were investigated: wine consumers, restaurant and winery professionals. Contrary to expectations driven by literature and the diffusion of other wine product innovations, American wine consumers showed interest in trying wine-on-tap, stating that the main reason for non-adoption was limited availability. Early adopters, across the three study populations, reported positive experiences and acknowledged several benefits of wine-on-tap such as improved freshness, better value, improved eco-friendliness, and premium wine quality. However, kegging wine and serving kegged wine appear to be more complex than it seems at first. Barriers, such as the cost of infrastructure for winery equipment, renovation of existing bar space, and dispensing equipment were operational challenges highlighted by industry professionals. Additionally, keg logistics and the perceived, yet controversial, need to overcome guests' resistance seem to slow down the diffusion. Several other managerial and research implications emerged from this study.




Behnke, Purdue University.

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