""I'm the one you need to be worried about": The archetypal representat" by Heather Cherie Moore

"I'm the one you need to be worried about": The archetypal representations of black male students

Heather Cherie Moore, Purdue University


Since the invention of television, film, and mainstream music, the popular image of black American males has undeniably grown exponentially. The public images of black males has informed both contemporary educational policy and influenced scholarship that analyzed the public treatment of black male bodies. But there has been limited examination of the representation of black male students in popular mediums. Building on interdisciplinary scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences, this research argues that there are archetypal images of black males as students in mainstream popular culture post-Brown vs. Board of Education. It argues that black male students have suffered from a crisis of integration, are deemed absent from innocence both inside and outside of the school setting, and possess a gifted consciousness based upon their experiences. This dissertation will not only push pre-service teachers to reconsider their work with black male students, but could also inform the societal perceptions about black males in the diverse field of education. ^




Anne M. Knupfer, Purdue University.

Subject Area

African American studies|American studies|Black studies|Educational sociology

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