"A multilevel analysis of project lead the way implementation in Indian" by Brandon H Sorge

A multilevel analysis of project lead the way implementation in Indiana

Brandon H Sorge, Purdue University


Using data from the 2010 Indiana public high school graduating class (N=55612), this project employed a multi-level analysis to determine, what if any differences occurred in majoring in STEM and freshman to sophomore year persistence, between students attending a school that offers Project Lead the Way and students that don't, while controlling for being a PLTW student. Additionally, this project explored the mitigating institutional factors that influenced a student majoring in STEM or persisting from their freshman to sophomore year in post-secondary education and if and how these factors varied depending upon if a student took PLTW courses, attended a PLTW school but did not take any PLTW courses, or attended a school that did not offer PLTW.




Dark, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Education Policy

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