"Study of interfacial characteristics and heat transfer in turbulent tw" by Nikhin Herbert Mascarenhas

Study of interfacial characteristics and heat transfer in turbulent two-phase flows

Nikhin Herbert Mascarenhas, Purdue University


The primary objective of this work is to develop a numerical model for turbulent, free-falling liquid films subjected to sensible heating and to explore the influence of interfacial waves on mass, momentum and heat transfer. The model is used to explore the influences of waves and interfacial dampening of turbulent eddies on fluid flow and heat transfer. The model represents two-dimensional axisymmetric film flow on a vertical circular tube, with both the computational domain and operating conditions matching those of an experimental database for water films. Interfacial waves are observed to be prevalent for all operating conditions and associated with a dominant repeated wave shape. Good agreement is achieved between the predicted axial variations of the heat transfer coefficient and experimental data, including an upstream decline in the upstream thermal development region, and slow downstream increase resulting from intensified turbulence and interfacial waviness. Predicted relations for both the film thickness and heat transfer coefficient are shown to agree well with popular experimental correlations. It is shown that turbulence is fully suppressed at the interface, with zero eddy diffusivity both at the wall and interface, and a maximum in between. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)




Mudawar, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Mechanical engineering

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