"Density of self-dual automorphic representations of GLN(AQ)" by Vitezslav Kala

Density of self-dual automorphic representations of GLN(AQ)

Vitezslav Kala, Purdue University


We study the number NsdK(λ) of self-dual cuspidal automorphic representations of GLN( AQ) which are K-spherical with respect to a fixed compact subgroup K and whose Laplacian eigenvalue is ≤ λ. We prove Weak Weyl's Law for Nsd K(λ) in the form that there are positive constants c1, c2 (depending on K) and d such that c1λ d/2 ≤ NsdK(λ)≤ c2λd/2 for all sufficiently large λ. When N = 2n is even and K is a maximal compact subgroup at all places, we prove Weyl's Law for the number of self-dual representations, i.e., NsdK(λ)= cλd/2+ o(λd/2). These results are based on considering functorial descents of self-dual representations Π to quasisplit classical groups G. In order to relate the properties of representations under functoriality, we discuss the infinitesimal character of the real component Π∞ , which determines the Laplacian eigenvalue. To relate the existence of K-fixed vectors, we study the depth of p-adic representations, proving a weak version of depth preservation. We also consider the explicit construction of local descent, which allows us to improve the results towards depth preservation for generic representations.




Shahidi, Purdue University.

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