"Asymptotics of the Fredholm determinant corresponding to the first bul" by Thomas Joachim Bothner

Asymptotics of the Fredholm determinant corresponding to the first bulk critical universality class in random matrix models

Thomas Joachim Bothner, Purdue University


We study the one-parameter family of determinants det( I – γKPII), γ ∈[special characters omitted] of an integrable Fredholm operator KPII acting on the interval (– s, s) whose kernel is constructed out of the Ψ-function associated with the Hastings-McLeod solution of the second Painlevé equation. In case γ = 1, this Fredholm determinant describes the critical behavior of the eigenvalue gap probabilities of a random Hermitian matrix chosen from the Unitary Ensemble in the bulk double scaling limit near a quadratic zero of the limiting mean eigenvalue density. Using the Riemann-Hilbert method, we evaluate the large s-asymptotics of det( I –γ KPII) for all values of the real parameter γ.




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