Kinematics and dynamics of Nubia-Somalia divergence along the East African rift

Dorothy Sarah Stamps, Purdue University


Continental rifting is fundamental to the theory of plate tectonics, yet the force balance driving Earth's largest continental rift system, the East African Rift (EAR), remains debated. The EAR actively diverges the Nubian and Somalian plates spanning ∼5000 km N-S from the Red Sea to the Southwest Indian Ridge and ∼3000 km NW-SE from eastern Congo to eastern Madagascar. Previous studies suggest either lithospheric buoyancy forces or horizontal tractions dominate the force balance acting to rupture East Africa. In this work, we investigate the large-scale dynamics of Nubia-Somalia divergence along the EAR driving present-day kinematics. Because Africa is largely surrounded by spreading ridges, we assume plate-plate interactions are minimal and that the major driving forces are gradients in gravitational potential energy (GPE), which includes the effect of vertical mantle tractions, and horizontal basal tractions arising from viscous coupling to horizontal mantle flow. We quantify a continuous strain rate and velocity field based on kinematic models, an updated GPS velocity solution, and the style of earthquake focal mechanisms, which we use as an observational constraint on surface deformation. We solve the 3D force balance equations and calculate vertically averaged deviatoric stress for a 100 km thick lithosphere constrained by the CRUST2.0 crustal density and thickness model. By comparing vertically integrated deviatoric stress with integrated lithospheric strength we demonstrate forces arising from gradients in gravitational potential energy are insufficient to rupture strong lithosphere, hence weakening mechanisms are required to initiate continental rupture. The next step involves inverting for a stress field boundary condition that is the long-wavelength minimum energy deviatoric stress field required to best-fit the style of our continuous strain rate field in addition to deviatoric stress from gradients in GPE. We infer the stress field boundary condition is an estimate of basal shear stress from viscous coupling to horizontal mantle flow. The stress field boundary condition is small (∼1.6 MPa) compared to deviatoric stress from GPE gradients (8-20 MPa) and does not improve the fit to surface deformation indicators more than 8% when combined with deviatoric stress from GPE gradients. Hence we suggest the style of deformation across the EAR can be explained by forces derived from gradients in GPE. We then calculate dynamic velocities using two types of forward models to solve the instantaneous momentum equations. One method is regional and requires vertically averaged effective viscosity to define lithospheric structure with velocity boundary conditions and a free-slip basal boundary condition. The second is a global model that accounts for a brittle upper crust and viscous mantle lithosphere with velocity boundary conditions imposed at the base of the lithosphere from 5 mantle flow models. With both methods we find deformation driven by internal lithospheric buoyancy forces provides the best-fit to GPS observations of surface velocities on the Somalian plate. We find that any additional contribution from horizontal tractions results in overpredicting surface velocities. This work indicates horizontal mantle flow plays a minimal role in Nubia-Somalia divergence and the EAR is driven largely by gradients in GPE.




Flesch, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Geophysics|Geophysical engineering

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