"Scaling of the flow-stiffness relationship in weakly correlated single" by Christopher L Petrovitch

Scaling of the flow-stiffness relationship in weakly correlated single fractures

Christopher L Petrovitch, Purdue University


The remote characterization of the hydraulic properties of fractures in rocks is important in many subsurface projects. Fractures create uncertainty in the hydraulic properties of the subsurface in that their topology controls the amount of flow that can occur in addition to that from the matrix. In turn, the fracture topology is also affected by stress which alters the topology as the stress changes directly. This alteration of fracture topology with stress is captured by fracture specific stiffness. The specific stiffness of a single fracture can be remotely probed from the attenuation and velocity of seismic waves. The hydromechanical coupling of single fractures, i.e. the relationship between flow and stiffness, holds the key to finding a method to remotely characterize a fractures hydraulic properties. This thesis is separated into two parts: (1) a description of the hydromechanical coupling of fractures based on numerical models used to generate synthetic fractures, compute the flow through a fracture, and deform fracture topologies to unravel the scaling function that is fundamental to the hydromechanical coupling of single fractures; (2) a Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method was developed to accurately simulate the scattered seismic waves from realistic fracture topologies. ^ The scaling regimes of fluid flow and specific stiffness in weakly correlated fractures are identified by using techniques from Percolation Theory and initially treating the two processes separately. The fixed points associated with fluid flow were found to display critical scaling while the fixed points for specific stiffness were trivial. The two processes could be indirectly related because the trivial scaling of the mechanical properties allowed the specific stiffness to be used as surrogate to the void area fraction. ^ The dynamic transport exponent was extracted at threshold by deforming fracture geometries within the effective medium regime (near the ``cubic law'' regime) to the critical regime. From this, a scaling function was defined for the hydromechanical coupling. This scaling function provides the link between fluid flow and fracture specific stiffness so that seismic waves may be used to remotely probe the hydraulic properties of fractures. Then, the DG method is shown to be capable of measuring such fracture specific stiffnesses by numerically measuring the velocity of interface waves when propagated across laboratory measured fracture geometries of Austin Chalk.^




Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte, Purdue University.

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