"Detecting relic neutrinos through coherent processes" by Joshua J Mattes

Detecting relic neutrinos through coherent processes

Joshua J Mattes, Purdue University


We analyze the prospects for detecting the cosmic neutrino background (CυB) via coherent interactions. Past proposals are analyzed and, in accord with existing literature, are regarded as not feasible with current technology. Using the methods of finite temperature field theory, we explore modifications to β-decay in the presence of a medium that interacts with the emitted antineutrino via a non-standard-model interaction. We conclude that in the presence of a spin-dependent coherent interaction between the CυB and the emitted antineutrino, the value of the electron neutrino mass inferred from precision tritium spectrum measurements would undergo an annual oscillation on the order of 0.01% due to the Earth's motion through the CυB rest frame. Such a signal may be observable with existing technology, and would appear to be uniquely attributable to the CυB by virtue of the oscillation phase. A much smaller oscillation on the order of 10 -7% is expected in the case of a spin-independent interaction with the CυB.




Fischbach, Purdue University.

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