"Commutants of composition operators on the Hardy Space of the disk" by James Michael Carter

Commutants of composition operators on the Hardy Space of the disk

James Michael Carter, Purdue University


The main part of this thesis, Chapter 4, contains results on the commutant of a semigroup of operators defined on the Hardy Space of the disk where the operators have hyperbolic non-automorphic symbols. In particular, we show in Chapter 5 that the commutant of the semigroup of operators is in one-to-one correspondence with a Banach albegra of bounded analytic functions on an open half-plane. This algebra of functions is a subalgebra of the standard Newton space. Chapter 4 extends previous work done on maps with interior fixed point to the case of the symbol of the composition operator having a boundary fixed point.




Cowen, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Applied Mathematics|Mathematics

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