"Applications of finite-size scaling for atomic and non-equilibrium sys" by Edwin A Antillon

Applications of finite-size scaling for atomic and non-equilibrium systems

Edwin A Antillon, Purdue University


We apply the theory of Finite-size scaling (FSS) to an atomic and a non-equilibrium system in order to extract critical parameters. In atomic systems, we look at the energy dependence on the binding charge near threshold between bound and free states, where we seek the critical nuclear charge for stability. We use different ab initio methods, such as Hartree-Fock, Density Functional Theory, and exact formulations implemented numerically with the finite-element method (FEM). Using Finite-size scaling formalism, where in this case the size of the system is related to the number of elements used in the basis expansion of the wavefunction, we predict critical parameters in the large basis limit. Results prove to be in good agreement with previous Slater-basis set calculations and demonstrate that this combined approach provides a promising first-principles approach to describe quantum phase transitions for materials and extended systems. In the second part we look at non-equilibrium one-dimensional model known as the raise and peel model describing a growing surface which grows locally and has non-local desorption. For a specific values of adsorption ( ua) and desorption (ud) the model shows interesting features. At ua = ud, the model is described by a conformal field theory (with conformal charge c = 0) and its stationary probability can be mapped to the ground state of a quantum chain and can also be related a two dimensional statistical model. For ua ≥ ud, the model shows a scale invariant phase in the avalanche distribution. In this work we study the surface dynamics by looking at avalanche distributions using FSS formalism and explore the effect of changing the boundary conditions of the model. The model shows the same universality for the cases with and with our the wall for an odd number of tiles removed, but we find a new exponent in the presence of a wall for an even number of avalanches released. We provide new conjecture for the probability distribution of avalanches with a wall obtained by using exact diagonalization of small lattices and Monte-Carlo simulations.




Kais, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Atomic physics|Theoretical physics

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