"Design and analysis of a Flow Corridor-based Traffic Management Initia" by Jit-Tat Chen

Design and analysis of a Flow Corridor-based Traffic Management Initiative

Jit-Tat Chen, Purdue University


Dynamic flow corridors are a Next Generation Air Transportation System Trajectory-Based Operations concept designed to increase airspace capacity by enabling high density traffic flows and self-separation operations. In this research, a novel concept which uses dynamic flow corridors as a new Traffic Management Initiative to resolve demand-capacity imbalances, called the Flow Corridor-based Traffic Management Initiative (FC-TMI) is proposed, designed, demonstrated and analyzed. The FC-TMI forms and dissolves flow corridors based on demand, traffic patterns, dynamic weather and the necessity to resolve demand-capacity imbalances, thus providing structure only when needed without unnecessarily constraining traffic. The flow corridor network is redesigned at fixed intervals throughout the day in order to adapt to traffic patterns and also to be safe from weather hazards. The FC-TMI also takes into consideration delays and alternate routes when designing the flow corridor network. National Airspace System-wide simulations were conducted using different flight patterns and weather conditions to evaluate the performance of the FC-TMI. It was found that by employing the FC-TMI, the total cost of operations was reduced by 8.8%. The maximum number of aircraft operating on flow corridors was 607 and the maximum number of flow corridors was 49.




Andrisani, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Aerospace engineering

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