"Induction: Agricultural education and assessment" by Teresa J. Espino Oakes

Induction: Agricultural education and assessment

Teresa J. Espino Oakes, Purdue University


The purpose of the study was to develop induction portfolio guidelines specific to Agricultural Education. The study was conducted in two phases guided by three questions: What constitutes an induction assessment for Agricultural Education? What is the specific pedagogical content for a beginning teacher in Agricultural Education? How might this work inform and align the state teacher effectiveness rubric with an Agricultural Education student teaching performance assessment? With the elimination of the induction portfolio by the State of Indiana, content specific items for Agricultural Education were aligned to the Indiana Department of Education Teacher Effectiveness Rubric. The content items were based upon the Indiana Department of Education Career Technical-Agriculture Teacher standards and the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards. Also considered were the Purdue University Teacher Education Program student teaching rubric domains. Data gathered from Phase I validated the elimination of the state portfolio and its process as well as identified important teaching characteristics of beginning Agricultural Education teachers. Phase II findings resulted in somewhat positive support of a teacher effectiveness rubric with specific Agricultural Education items. The rubric can serve to influence teachers in how they will be evaluated. There are many questions, concerns, and uncertainties that remain. Recommendations are made to study the intended and unintended outcomes of the teacher effectiveness rubric.




Peters, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Agricultural education

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