"The dynamics and control of solar-sail spacecraft in displaced lunar o" by Geoffrey George Wawrzyniak

The dynamics and control of solar-sail spacecraft in displaced lunar orbits

Geoffrey George Wawrzyniak, Purdue University


Trajectory generation for any spacecraft mission application typically involves either well-developed analytical approximations or a linearization with respect to a known solution. Such approximations are based on the well-understood dynamics of behavior in the system. However, when two or more large bodies (e.g., the Earth and the Moon or the Sun, the Earth and the Moon) are present, trajectories in the multi-body gravitational field can evolve chaotically. The problem is further complicated when an additional force from a solar sail is included. Solar sail trajectories are often developed in a Sun-centered reference frame in which the sunlight direction is fixed. New challenges arise when modeling a solar-sail trajectory in a reference frame attached to the Earth and the Moon (a frame that rotates in inertial space). Advantages accrue from geometry and symmetry properties that are available in this Earth–Moon reference frame, but the Sun location and the sunlight direction change with time. Current trajectory design tools can reveal many solutions within these regimes. Recent work using numerical boundary value problem (BVP) solvers has demonstrated great promise for uncovering additional and, sometimes, “better” solutions to problems in spacecraft trajectory design involving solar sails. One such approach to solving BVPs is the finite-difference method. Derivatives that appear in the differential equations are replaced with their respective finite differences and evaluated at node points along the trajectory. The solution process is iterative. A candidate solution, such as an offset circle or a point, is discretized into nodes, and the equations that represent the relationships at the nodes are solved simultaneously. Finite-difference methods (FDMs) exploit coarse initial approximations and, with the system constraints (such as the continuous visibility of the spacecraft from a point on the lunar surface), to develop orbital solutions in regions where the structure of the solution space is not well known. Because of their simplicity and speed, the FDM is used to populate a survey to assist in the understanding of the available design space. Trajectories generated by FDMs can also be used to initialize other nonlinear BVP solvers. Any solution is only as accurate as the model used to generate it, especially when the trajectory is dynamically unstable, certainly the case when an orbit is purposefully offset from the Moon. Perturbations, such as unmodeled gravitational forces, variations in the solar flux, as well as mis-modeling of the sail and bus properties, all shift the spacecraft off the reference trajectory and, potentially, into a regime from which the vehicle is unrecoverable. Therefore, some type of flight-path control is required to maintain the vehicle near the reference path. Reference trajectories, supplied by FDMs, are used to develop guidance algorithms based on other, more accurate, numerical procedures, such as multiple shooting. The primary motivation of this investigation is to determine what level of technology is required to displace a solar sail spacecraft sufficiently such that a vehicle equipped with a sail supplies a continuous relay between the Earth and an outpost at the lunar south pole. To accomplish this objective, numerical methods to generate reference orbits that meet mission constraints are examined, as well as flight-path control strategies to ensure that a sailcraft follows those reference trajectories. A survey of the design space is also performed to highlight vehicle-performance and ground-based metrics critical to a mission that monitors the lunar south pole at all times. Finally, observations about the underlying dynamical structure of solar sail motion in a multi-body system are summarized.




Howell, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Aerospace engineering

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