"“She still missed her daddy sometimes”: Black women's Post-Civil Right" by Heidi R Lewis

“She still missed her daddy sometimes”: Black women's Post-Civil Rights father-daughter narratives

Heidi R Lewis, Purdue University


This project examines the ways black women construct father-daughter relationships in Post-Civil Rights era literature, autobiography, and popular non-fiction. I consider how these narratives are in conversation with Civil Rights and Black Power gender ideologies that depended heavily on black women's silence and complicity. As a result, this study will provide insight into the ways that black women understand, revise, and reject patriarchal gender norms in black families. More specifically, I argue that the father-daughter relationship provides a unique context that illuminates familial circumstances that either encourage or discourage black women from transforming the way they understand and perform gender.




Patton, Purdue University.

Subject Area

African American Studies|American studies|Black studies|Womens studies

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