"Staging black freedom through media and mind" by Roberto Ferreira Junior

Staging black freedom through media and mind

Roberto Ferreira Junior, Purdue University


The purpose of the present study is to investigate the problems of freedom in contemporary Caribbean and Brazilian fiction and film. Although freedom has become a popular word, no one has thoroughly investigated what freedom means in contemporary literature. Three novels and two films were chosen for the analysis for the light they shed on the lingering effects of slavery. The novels are: Texaco by Patrick Chamoiseau, The Harder They Come by Michael Thelwell and City of God by Paulo Lins. The films are: The Harder They Come directed by Perry Henzel and Bus 174 directed by Fernando Padilha. All these texts together will offer a much more complex representation of freedom and will eventually contribute to a detailed understanding on the role of freedom today.




Dixon, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Comparative literature|Modern literature|Latin American literature|Caribbean literature|Film studies

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