"Exact solutions to the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary cond" by Karl Edmund Liechty

Exact solutions to the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions and uniform asymptotics of discrete orthogonal polynomials on an infinite lattice

Karl Edmund Liechty, Purdue University


In this dissertation the partition function, Zn, for the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions is solved in the thermodynamic limit in various regions of the phase diagram. In the ferroelectric phase region, we show that Zn = CG n [special characters omitted](1 + O([special characters omitted])) for any ϵ > 0, and we give explicit formulae for the numbers C, G, and F. On the critical line separating the ferroelectric and disordered phase regions, we show that Zn = Cn1/4[special characters omitted] (1 + O(n−1/2)), and we give explicit formulae for the numbers G and F. In this phase region, the value of the constant C is unknown. In the antiferroelectric phase region, we show that Z n = Cϑ4(nω )[special characters omitted] (1 + O(n−1)), where ϑ4 is Jacobi’s theta function, and explicit formulae are given for the numbers ω and F. The value of the constant C is unknown in this phase region. In each case, the proof is based on reformulating Zn as the eigenvalue partition function for a random matrix ensemble (as observed by Paul Zinn-Justin), and evaluation of large n asymptotics for a corresponding system of orthogonal polynomials. To deal with this problem in the antiferroelectric phase region, we consequently develop an asymptotic analysis, based on a Riemann-Hilbert approach, for orthogonal polynomials on an infinite regular lattice with respect to varying exponential weights. The general method and results of this analysis are given in Chapter 5 of this dissertation.




Bleher, Purdue University.

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