"The effect of self monitoring instruction package: Using picture books" by Adi D Adinugroho

The effect of self monitoring instruction package: Using picture books to increase preschooler's prosocial behavior

Adi D Adinugroho, Purdue University


This study investigated the effects of self-monitoring instruction on prosocial behavior of preschoolers. A multiple baseline across participants design was used to assess the effectiveness of the self-monitoring strategy. The self-monitoring instruction package in this study consisted of customized picture books modeling and recording students' behaviors. Each participant identified and recorded his or her prosocial or aggressive behavior after reading customized picture books of him or herself at play. All participants successfully learned to use the self-monitoring and recording strategy. Consistent performance during indoor and outdoor play periods was demonstrated. The results indicated that customized picture-book modeling combined with self-recording are potentially effective for teaching prosocial behavior to preschool children who demonstrate high activities and aggression.




Doughty, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Early childhood education|Special education

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