"Two approaches to teaching young children science concepts/vocabulary " by Soo-Young Hong

Two approaches to teaching young children science concepts/vocabulary and scientific problem-solving skills

Soo-Young Hong, Purdue University


This study examined the effectiveness of two different approaches to teaching designed to facilitate children’s learning about science concepts/vocabulary related to objects’ floating and sinking and scientific problem-solving skills: responsive teaching (RT) and the combination of responsive teaching and explicit instruction (RT+EI). Participants included 104 children (51 boys) aged 4 to 5 years. Small groups of children were randomly assigned to one of the two intervention groups (RT, RT+EI) or to a control group. Responsive teaching (RT) reflects a common approach to teaching young children, and the combination approach (RT+EI) includes Explicit Instruction as well as responsive teaching. The two planned interventions were implemented with preschool children and provided evidence that (1) young children learned science concepts/vocabulary better when either responsive teaching or the combination of responsive teaching and explicit instruction was used; and (2) they learned scientific problem-solving skills better when explicit instruction was provided in combination with responsive teaching. Limitations and implications for practice were also discussed.




Diamond, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Early childhood education|Curriculum development

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