Development and change in leader -member exchange: A dyadic and dynamic approach
A longitudinal study of development and change in leader-member exchange (LMX) was conducted using matched leader and member reports from newly-formed dyads. In focusing on dyadic relationships, one can consider: (1) perspectives held by both parties on an assessment of relationship quality and subsequent agreement of perspectives; and (2) reasons for agreement or disagreement, including interpretations and attributions by both parties for mutually experienced events and situations, and demographic and/or trait similarity. Based on affective events theory (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996), work-related events were examined as dynamic drivers of LMX, and relevant events were collected via free response and critical incident checklists. In addition to the dynamic, event-based development of the relationship, interpersonal attraction based on dyadic similarity of personality, values, and demographics was considered as a contributor to LMX quality. Measures related to interpersonal attraction were completed as dyads were formed, and leaders and members completed measures of events and LMX quality over a four-month period. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to analyze initial and subsequent LMX levels and agreement between leader and member ratings. Predictors of LMX quality and leader-member agreement as well as differences in relationships between leaders’ most-preferred and least-preferred members are detailed. Examining the influences of interpersonal attraction and affective events on both parties over the course of the relationship represents the next step in leadership research and allows for a better understanding of how and why dyadic relationships develop and change at different points of the relationship, and implications are discussed.
Weiss, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Management|Occupational psychology
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