"Adoption process for VOIP: The influence of trust in the UTAUT model" by Eduardo Esteva Armida

Adoption process for VOIP: The influence of trust in the UTAUT model

Eduardo Esteva Armida, Purdue University


The primary objective of this study is to test two models, the new UTAUT model and the same model but adding Trust as a new variable. In the process, the study shows which factors have the greatest impact on the adoption process of VOIP technology in the US market and whether Trust can improve the predictive value of the UTAUT model to explain intention to adopt. Two different types of Trust are analyzed: Trust in the company provider and Trust in the technology (VOIP). An online survey was conducted to collect data from the US population. 475 respondents replied (24% response rate). Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used as a technique to evaluate the interactions of the main variables in the model (Performance expectancy, Effort expectancy, Social influence, Trust in company, Trust in technology and Behavioral intention to adopt); and to analyze the impact of four moderator variables in the model (Gender, Age, Experience and Voluntariness of use). The results support most of the relationships identified in the original model. In addition, this study gives new insight into the impact of Trust on the model, and provides information about the specific context where the inclusion of Trust can generate good results for industry. Implications were drawn for the specific industry (VOIP) in which this study was conducted.




Widdows, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Marketing|Mass communications

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