"Criminals, cures, and castigation: Heiric of Auxerre's “Miracula sanct" by Amy K Bosworth

Criminals, cures, and castigation: Heiric of Auxerre's “Miracula sancti Germani” and ninth-century Carolingian hagiography

Amy K Bosworth, Purdue University


This study investigates Heiric of Auxerre’s Miracula sancti Germani, composed in the early 870s, and other contemporary Carolingian miracle collections to understand the message or messages behind the “reality” presented in these accounts and the interaction between the religious elite and the wider world during the ninth century. Topics discussed include Heiric’s use of geography, the representation of the people within the tales of the wondrous, the types of miracles described, and the textual tradition of the Miracula sancti Germani. This study also considers the question--what was “Carolingian” about Carolingian accounts of miracles?




Contreni, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Medieval history

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