"Content preparation for cross-cultural e -commerce for American and Ch" by Huafei Liao

Content preparation for cross-cultural e -commerce for American and Chinese online consumers

Huafei Liao, Purdue University


The objective of this dissertation was to construct a model for content preparation for American and Chinese online consumers’ preferences for the content of e-commerce Web sites. To this end, first, a Web-based survey of 75 American and 68 Chinese university students was conducted to examine their preferences for 25 information items when purchasing portable electronic products online. The analysis identified seven factors of content preparation for the Web and revealed significant cultural differences on items within the factors. Based on the information derived from the survey, two experiments were conducted to explore further American and Chinese online consumers' information preferences with three particular product categories: MP3 players, digital cameras and laptop computers. For Experiment One, two prototype e-commerce Web sites were developed with the same content on both sites but presented in different sequences. 24 American and 24 Chinese university students were asked to purchase the three products on one of the two sites, and their information preferences were assessed and compared in terms of their performance on and attitude toward the sites. For Experiment Two, two versions of product description were developed for each product used in the experiment with each version focusing on a different information item. The information preferences of 24 American and 24 Chinese university students for a certain information item pertaining to product characteristics were assessed and compared in terms of their preferences for the corresponding product description indicated on a 7-point Likert scale. Theoretical and practical implications of the derived information from the survey and the experimental outcome are discussed for content preparation for e-commerce Web site design in China and the USA.




Proctor, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Industrial engineering

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