"Two- and three-particle jet -like correlations" by Jason Glyndwr Ulery

Two- and three-particle jet -like correlations

Jason Glyndwr Ulery, Purdue University


We present results of 2-particle jet-like correlations, with high pT h± triggers and identified π ±, p, and p¯ triggers in d+Au and Au+Au collisions and 3-particle jet-like azimuthal correlations in pp, d+Au, and Au+Au collisions at [special characters omitted]=200 GeV. These results use data from the STAR TPC during RHIC runs II, III, and IV. Modifications in 2-particle correlations are observed in Au+Au collisions. These modifications are not seen in pp or d+Au collisions. This demonstrates that the modifications are due to final state nuclear effects. High pT protons, anti-protons and charged pions are identified by the relativistic rise of dE/dx in the STAR TPC. Correlations of charged hadrons with high pT p, p¯, and π ± show no discernible difference. The results post challenges to recombination and coalescence models which are otherwise very successful in explaining the large baryon/meson ratio and the splitting of the elliptic flow at intermediate pT. In central Au+Au collisions, the away-side 2-particle correlation is significantly broadened and even double humped in selective kinematic ranges. Three-particle correlations were employed to identify the underlying physics mechanism(s). Results in pp, d+Au and peripheral Au+Au collisions show dijet structure with away-side kT broadening. Results in mid-central and central Au+Au collisions are consistent with a near-side jet and on the away-side a combination of conical emission and large angle gluon radiation and deflected jets. The associated pT independent emission angle suggests Mach-cone shock waves being the underlying physics mechanism for the conical emission. The emission angle is measured to be 1.39 ± 0.01 (stat.) ±0.04 (sys.) in ZDC triggered 0-12% Au+Au data.




Wang, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Nuclear physics

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