"Evolution of the plasma -sprayed microstructure in 7 wt% yttria -stabi" by Christopher Petorak

Evolution of the plasma -sprayed microstructure in 7 wt% yttria -stabilized zirconia thermal barrier coatings during uniaxial stress relaxation and the concomitant changes in material properties

Christopher Petorak, Purdue University


The understanding of failure mechanisms in plasma sprayed 7 wt% yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) is a key step toward optimizing thermal barrier coating (TBC) usage, design, and life prediction. The purpose of the present work is to characterize and understand the stress relaxation behavior occurring in plasma-sprayed YSZ coatings, so that the correlating magnitude of unfavorable tensile stress, which coatings experienced upon cooling, may be reduced through microstructural design. The microstructure and properties of as-sprayed coatings changes immensely during service at high temperature, and therefore the effects of long heat-treatment times, and the concomitant change within the microstructure, on the time-dependent mechanical behavior of stand-alone YSZ coatings was studied in parallel with the as-sprayed coating condition. Aside from influencing the mechanical properties, stress relaxation also affects the insulating efficiency of plasma-sprayed 7wt% YSZ coatings. Directionally dependent changes in microstructure due to stress relaxation of a uniaxially applied stress at 1200°C were observed in plasma-sprayed coatings. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) investigation of coatings after stress relaxation displayed a 46% reduction in the specific surface area connected to the load-orientation dependent closure of void surface area perpendicular to the applied load when compared to coatings sintered in air, i.e. no applied load. These anisotropic microstructural changes were linked to the thermal properties of the coating. For example, a coating stress relaxed from 60 MPa for 5-min at 1200°C exhibited a thermal conductivity of 2.1 W/m-K. A coating that was only heat-treated for 5-min at 1200°C (i.e. no stress applied) exhibited a thermal conductivity of 1.7 W/m·K. In the current study, uniaxial stress relaxation in plasma-sprayed 7wt% YSZ coatings was determined the result of: (1) A more uniform distribution of the applied load with time, (2) A reduction in the SSA associated with void systems due to sintering, specifically the closing and healing of intralamellar cracks perpendicular to the applied stress, and (3) A compaction and closure of void systems under the applied load. These anisotropic changes in microstructure result in distinguishable changes in thermo-mechanical properties, with very minute changes to the overall bulk density.




Trice, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Materials science

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