"Computer anxiety and web-based course management systems: Does design " by Matthew E Mooney

Computer anxiety and web-based course management systems: Does design matter?

Matthew E Mooney, Purdue University


The present study compared two different types of web-based course management systems (WBCMSs): standardized and unstandardized. An unstandardized WBCMS provides faculty with a great deal of control over design aspects of a course website such as color pallet, navigational placement, and so on. Standardized WBCMSs do not allow a faculty member to change design aspects of the course website. Faculty members have control over the content of the course website. Participants had experience with both types of WBCMSs and provided feedback regarding their perceived learning, the perceived ease of use and navigation for each WBCMS. Additionally, each participant completed a brief computer anxiety measure. Participants reported a significantly higher preference for a structured WBCMS regardless of their level of computer anxiety.




Newby, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Educational software

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