"Essays on me -too brands" by Ian Clark Sinapuelas

Essays on me -too brands

Ian Clark Sinapuelas, Purdue University


Essay one examines the strategies of supermarket me-too brands. Current research in marketing focuses mainly on the benefits of new feature introduction and overlooks the importance of feature imitation. The prevalence of me-too brands merits investigation. In our sample, for example, there are three times as many me-too brands as feature pioneers. Based on the order of entry and brand equity literatures, this research examines the effectiveness of different marketing strategies used by me-too brands. Four me-too strategies are: (1) price lower, (2) leverage brand equity, (3) be a fast follower, and (4) if not able to imitate fast, be the first me-too. Empirically, all three types of me-too brands do not rely on price cuts to build market share. Instead, they set prices consistent with their parent brand. Me-too brand extensions often rely on strong brand equity to compensate for their late entry. Across these me-too brands, fast followers tend to have the highest subcategory market shares. Finally, first me-too brands who are not fast have significantly higher subcategory shares than later me-toos. Thus, entry order effects are present across these three types of me-too brands.




Kalwani, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Marketing|Business costs

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