"Dock design for automated cross -docking container terminal" by Mohammad J. E. J Alkhedher

Dock design for automated cross -docking container terminal

Mohammad J. E. J Alkhedher, Purdue University


Too little attention has been given to container transshipment issues when new container terminals are being planned or existing ones are being enlarged or reorganized. Container transshipment accounts for a substantial and often a dominant fraction of the total container traffic in major international ports. Transfer containers have different needs than those who originate or terminate their sea travel at the port in question; they use the port to transfer from one mode of transportation to another with a temporarily limited storage in the marshalling area. Various configurations of container terminals will serve one type of containers better than the other. This research studies the standard terminal configurations with respect to the handling operations of containers in the terminal, taking into account the size of the terminal in terms of berth positions, the assignment of ships to berth positions, the location of the marshalling area, the number of terminal vehicles, the assignment of the container handling jobs to vehicles, and the mix of the various segments of container traffic. A detailed simulation model was developed using 'AutoMod' to compare the performance measure indicators presented in this research for the different terminal configurations. The results of this research should be taken only as general guidelines to container terminal designers and operators for the selection of the optimal terminal configuration and the optimal assignment of ships to berth positions.




Tanchoco, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Industrial engineering

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