"Thermal modeling of grinding for process optimization and durability i" by Ihab M Hanna

Thermal modeling of grinding for process optimization and durability improvements

Ihab M Hanna, Purdue University


Both thermal and mechanical aspects of the grinding process are investigated in detail in an effort to predict grinding induced residual stresses. An existing thermal model is used as a foundation for computing heat partitions and temperatures in surface grinding. By numerically processing data from IR temperature measurements of the grinding zone; characterizations are made of the grinding zone heat flux. It is concluded that the typical heat flux profile in the grinding zone is triangular in shape, supporting this often used assumption found in the literature. Further analyses of the computed heat flux profiles has revealed that actual grinding zone contact lengths exceed geometric contact lengths by an average of 57% for the cases considered. By integrating the resulting heat flux profiles; workpiece energy partitions are computed for several cases of dry conventional grinding of hardened steel. The average workpiece energy partition for the cases considered was 37%. In an effort to more accurately predict grinding zone temperatures and heat fluxes, refinements are made to the existing thermal model. These include consideration of contact length extensions due to local elastic deformations, variations of the assumed contact area ratio as a function of grinding process parameters, consideration of coolant latent heat of vaporization and its effect on heat transfer beyond the coolant boiling point, and incorporation of coolant-workpiece convective heat flux effects outside the grinding zone. The result of the model refinements accounting for contact length extensions and process-dependant contact area ratios is excellent agreement with IR temperature measurements over a wide range of grinding conditions. By accounting for latent heat of vaporization effects, grinding zone temperature profiles are shown to be capable of reproducing measured profiles found in the literature for cases on the verge of thermal surge conditions. Computed peak grinding zone temperatures for the aggressive grinding examples given are 30--50% lower than those computed using the existing thermal model formulation. By accounting for convective heat transfer effects outside the grinding zone, it is shown that while surface temperatures in the wake of the grinding zone may be significantly affected under highly convective conditions, computed residual stresses are less sensitive to such conditions. Numerical models are used to evaluate both thermally and mechanically induced stress fields in an elastic workpiece, while finite element modeling is used to evaluate residual stresses for workpieces with elastic-plastic material properties. Modeling of mechanical interactions at the local grit-workpiece length scale is used to create the often measured effect of compressive surface residual stress followed by a subsurface tensile peak. The model is shown to be capable of reproducing trends found in the literature of surface residual stresses which are compressive for low temperature grinding conditions, with surface stresses increasing linearly and becoming tensile with increasing temperatures. Further modifications to the finite element model are made to allow for transiently varying inputs for more complicated grinding processes of industrial components such as automotive cam lobes.




Stephenson, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Aerospace engineering|Mechanical engineering

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