Teacher satisfaction with principal transformational leader behavior

Linda Jeanne Moore Rugg, Purdue University


The purpose of this study was to examine whether teachers would be more satisfied with principals who exhibit higher transformational leadership scale scores on the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5X). A secondary focus was to determine whether there would be a significant difference among principals based on age, gender, years of experience, or school location or a significant difference among teachers based on age, gender, years of experience, or school location. This study was conducted in 295 randomly selected K-12 public schools in Indiana. One thousand four hundred seventy-nine personalized packets were mailed to randomly selected teachers. Data were gathered from 650 (43.95%) randomly selected teachers using Bass and Avolio's Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Form SX (Short Form). The data were analyzed using Cronbach's alpha, Pearson correlation coefficients, Shapiro-Wilk statistic, a two-way cross-tabulation frequency distribution, Pearson chi-square statistic, and a general linear model analysis of variance. There was a relationship between teacher's satisfaction and principal transformational leadership behavior. Teachers are more satisfied with principals who earn higher transformational scores. There were no links between teacher satisfaction with transformational principals among teachers of different geographic locations, gender, age, or years of experience. There were no links found between teacher satisfaction and transformational principals of urban, rural, and suburban schools or of different ages and gender of principals. However, there was a link between teacher satisfaction and principals with 6-10 years of experience and 21 or more years of experience. K-12 public school teachers are more satisfied with principals who earn higher transformational leadership scores regardless of teacher characteristics of age, gender, years of experience, and geographic location. Additionally, transformational principals from any geographic location, of any gender, and of any age will be effective with all levels of public school teachers.




Kline, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Educational administration

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