"A survey of communication behaviors school board presidents value in s" by H. Steve Sprunger

A survey of communication behaviors school board presidents value in superintendents

H. Steve Sprunger, Purdue University


This study examined the communication behaviors and perceived leadership strength of superintendents as perceived by their school board presidents. Additional variables this research investigated were whether the size of the school district, the age of the school board president, the number of years of service on the board, or the superintendent's gender influenced the communication behaviors valued. By researching the type of communication behaviors school board presidents value and how these behaviors affect the superintendent school board relationships, insight was gained into those specific communication competencies that relate to perceived leadership effectiveness. This study evaluated school board presidents' perceptions of superintendents' leadership effectiveness based on superintendents' communication skills. A secondary focus was to determine the communication behaviors school board presidents prefer to from superintendents. The forms evaluated were face to face communication, written paper communication, telephone communication, and email communication. This study was conducted by sending out the Survey of Effective Communication and Management Skills of the Superintendent to all two hundred ninety three school board presidents in Indiana school corporations during the last week in for a 55% return rate. The data were analyzed using a General Linear Model, Logistic Regression Model Spearman Rank Correlation, and Percentiles. School board presidents reported that accuracy in the information they receive was their most valued communication behavior, followed by appropriate disclosure of information to all board members. They also indicated they highly valued face to face communication, while email communication was not highly desired. School board presidents also indicated that those superintendents who were excellent in meeting communication behaviors desired were perceived as effective leaders.




McInerney, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Educational administration|Communication

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