Wall -frame structures with vulnerable foundations
Findings from previous studies have indicated that a reinforced concrete wall with a structural hinge at the base, used to reduce the strength requirement for the foundation, can be effective for limiting the drift demand for frames subjected to strong ground motions. The goal of this study was to investigate whether the development of a hinge at the foundation, rather than at the wall, would affect the behavior of the building negatively. A series of 17 of small-scale foundation models supported on sand was conducted in order to calibrate a numerical model proposed in this study and to formulate simplified relations for the response of foundations in buildings subjected to ground motions. Drift responses for two structures representative of medium and high-rise residential buildings in Turkey, were calculated with and without foundation yielding assuming that the supporting soil consisted of the sand used in the experimental program of this study. It was found that foundation yielding did not negatively affect the drift responses of the structures because the supporting soil provided sufficient energy dissipation/deformation capacity.
Sozen, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Civil engineering
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