"Precision measurement of the W -boson properties with the L3 detector " by Imre Pal

Precision measurement of the W -boson properties with the L3 detector at LEP

Imre Pal, Purdue University


W-boson properties, such as W-boson pair production cross-section, W-boson mass, total decay width and triple gauge-boson couplings (TGC) are measured with the L3 detector at LEP. The data sample used in the analyses correspond to a total luminosity of 629.4 pb−1, collected at center-of-mass energies ranging from 189 GeV to 209 GeV. 9834 four-fermion events with W-boson decaying into either hadrons or leptons are selected. Single channel cross-sections are derived with no assumption on W-boson branching fractions. The total cross-section is measured with a precision of 1.4% and agrees with the Standard Model expectation. The W-boson mass, MW, and total decay width, [special characters omitted], have been measured using directly reconstructed semi leptonic and hadronic events. Combining all final states in W-boson pair production, MW and [special characters omitted] are measured to be[special characters omitted]These results are preliminary. The CP-conserving triple gauge-boson couplings, [special characters omitted] are measured in hadronic and semi-leptonic W-boson pair events. The results are in good agreement with Standard Model expectations and are found to be[special characters omitted]




Gutay, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Particle physics

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