The impact of school culture training on urban school principals
The Indiana Professional Standards Board (IPSB) adopted the six standards identified for school leaders by the Interstate Schools Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC). Standard 2 deals specifically with school culture and the instructional program. This study examined the efficacy that leadership training on Standard 2 had on student achievement. Fifteen urban school administrators from elementary through high school levels were included in this study. Preliminary data was collected using the Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) developed at Ohio State University. This data provided by principals and their staff members afforded the quantitative statistics for this study. Chi Square analyses provided both pre- and post-training information. Interviews with both principals and teachers made qualitative information available for a phenomenological component. No relationship was discernible between pre- and post-training efficacy on student achievement. Participant attrition had an overwhelming effect on this study. It was noted that while unaware of the IPSB Standards, all participants were rated as proficient at Standard 2 both pre- and post-training.
Hirth, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Educational administration
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