"Development and characterization of acoustically efficient cementitiou" by Narayanan Neithalath

Development and characterization of acoustically efficient cementitious materials

Narayanan Neithalath, Purdue University


Tire-pavement interaction noise is one of the significant environmental issues in highly populated urban areas situated near busy highways. The understanding that methodologies to reduce the sound at the source itself is necessary, has led to the development of porous paving materials. This thesis outlines the systematic research effort conducted in order to develop and characterize two different types of sound absorbing cementitious materials—Enhanced Porosity Concrete (EPC), that incorporates porosity in the non-aggregate component of the mixture, and Cellulose-Cement Composites, where cellulose fibers are used as porous inclusions. The basic tenet of this research is that carefully introduced porosity of about 15%–25% in the material structure of concrete will allow sound waves to pass through and dissipate its energy. The physical, mechanical, and acoustic properties of EPC mixtures are discussed in detail. Methods are developed to determine the porosity of EPC. The total pore volume, pore size, and pore connectivity are the significant features that influence the behavior of EPC. Using a shape-specific model, and incorporating the principle of acoustic wave propagation through semi-open cells, the acoustic absorption in EPC has been modeled. The pore structure and performance of EPC is characterized using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy. Using a multi-phase conducting model, a pore connectivity factor has been developed, that correlates well with the acoustic absorption coefficient. A falling head permeameter has been designed to ascertain the water permeability of EPC mixtures. A hydraulic connectivity factor is proposed, which could be used to classify EPC mixtures based on their permeability. Electrical conductivity is shown to be a single measurable parameter that defines the performance of EPC. Preliminary studies conducted on the freezing and thawing response of EPC are also reported. From several porous, compliant materials, morphologically altered cellulose fibers are chosen to be used as inclusions. The “macronodule” (aggregate-like, 2–8 mm in size) fibers are shown to be the most effective among the various morphologically altered cellulose fibers considered. The physical and mechanical properties (porosity, flexural and compressive strengths, modulus of elasticity), acoustic absorption, and the energy dissipating capacity (specific damping capacity) are evaluated. Composite mixing relations have been used to model the loss modulus and loss tangent of these composites. The response of these composites to extreme exposure conditions has also been studied.




Weiss, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Civil engineering|Materials science

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