"Steady state electrophoretic transport under Taylor vortex flow" by Michael James Napolitano

Steady state electrophoretic transport under Taylor vortex flow

Michael James Napolitano, Purdue University


Solutions of 10−3M HCl, 10−3M HCl/5 × 10−4M KCl and 10−3M KCl were electrolyzed under a fluid flow phenomena known as the Taylor Vortex. The Taylor Vortex is established when fluid contained between two concentric cylinders is acted upon by the rotation of the inner cylinder while the outer cylinder is at rest. A column of liquid cells is formed and a stepwise concentration gradient is generated. The resultant ion concentration distributions were measured. A model describing the microscopic level of the system that balances the diffusive and electric fluxes of each ion across boundaries formed by the Taylor Vortex flow is developed. Ion transport by convection through the column is also discussed as an additional transport mechanism. These systems are described macroscopically as DC series circuit of resistors where each cell formed by the flow represents one resistor. The electrodiffusive and resistor model describe the formation and mechanism of transport of ions at steady state. Simulations of the electrodiffusive and resistor model are explored in an attempt to recognize critical parameters of the formation of the ion distributions. Comparisons between simulations and experimental results are also discussed.




Grutzner, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Analytical chemistry|Chemistry

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