Participants' perceptions of a nonformal adult education program in Ghana: The case of the New Year School

DaBeth S Manns, Purdue University


The present case study used the phenomenological theoretical framework to report on the overall perceptions of participants about the New Year School. A nonformal adult education program in Ghana, West Africa, the New Year School is an annual conference, which features presentations and seminar study groups. It has taken place each of the last 54 years. Together, scholars, professionals, and citizens from around the country, convene on topics ranging from the improvement of agricultural production to the development of family and community, to the increase of national awareness concerning economic, political, and social issues. In this study, the researcher initially assumed that all of the participants' perceptions would be laudable. However, the major findings indicated that this conjecture could not be accepted. That is, while participants had a multitude of praiseworthy opinions, constructive criticisms abounded. Specifically, their praiseworthy opinions included appreciation for the interaction, networking opportunities, and diverse views shared. Their constructive criticisms included the limited provisions for learners at a distance, their forced choice of only one study group, and their rising conference costs. This study is significant because it provides a model for future case studies, which strive to understand the phenomenon of adult education, as it is practiced outside of the United States of America. This is important because cross-cultural studies establish a basis for global linkages and partnerships, wherein exchanges of faculty and students as well as collaborative research projects may flourish.




Balschweid, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Cultural anthropology|Educational sociology|Continuing education

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