The motif of redemption in the nineteenth century educational philosophy of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

Latricia Darlene Edwards Scriven, Purdue University


The purpose of this study was to explore the motif of redemption in the educational philosophy espoused by the founders and leaders of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. While the theme of “uplift” has been perpetually linked to the quest for education by African Americans, the educational philosophy of the African Methodist Episcopal church during the nineteenth century embrace a motif that stretched beyond uplift—the motif of redemption. This educational philosophy has been articulated both directly and indirectly by the founders and leaders, men and women of the AME Church. It has been reflected in its educational accomplishments, its institutions, its publications, its economic support, its missions, and its goals.




Knupfer, Purdue University.

Subject Area

School administration|Educational theory|Education history

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