"Charm baryon semileptonic decays" by Victor Evgenjevich Pavlunin

Charm baryon semileptonic decays

Victor Evgenjevich Pavlunin, Purdue University


Using the CLEO detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring we have studied the angular distributions in the decay [special characters omitted]. By performing a four-dimensional maximum likelihood fit, the form factor ratio, R = f2/ f1, and the pole mass, determining the shape of the form factors, Mpole, are found to be −0.31 ± 0.05stat ± 0.04sys and (2.13 ± 0.07stat ± 0.10 sys) GeV/c2 respectively. These results correspond to the following value of the decay asymmetry parameter [special characters omitted] = −0.85 ± 0.03stat ± 0.02sys, for ⟨q2 ⟩ = 0.67 (GeV/c2)2. We search for CP violation in the angular distributions of the decay and find no evidence for CP violation: [special characters omitted] = 0.01 ± 0.03stat ± 0.01 sys ± [special characters omitted] where the third error is from the uncertainty in the world average of the CP violating parameter, [special characters omitted], for Λ0 → p+π −. We have also observed the [special characters omitted] (css ground state) in the decay [special characters omitted] → Ω−e+υ e. We find a signal of 11.4 ± 3.8 (stat) events. The probability that we have observed a background fluctuation is 7.6 × 10−5 . We measure B([special characters omitted] → Ω−e+υe ) · σ(e+e− → [special characters omitted]) = (42.2 ± 14.1(stat) ± 5.7(syst)) fb and R = [special characters omitted] = 0.41 ± 0.19(stat) ± 0.04(syst). This is the first statistically significant observation of an individual decay mode of the [special characters omitted] in e+e− annihilation, and the first example of a baryon decaying via β-emission, where no quarks from the first generation participate in the reaction.




Shipsey, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Particle physics

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