Transformational leadership and the middle school principal

John Kenneth Layton, Purdue University


This study sought to establish a relationship between transformational leadership behavior of middle school principals and increased student learning measured by Indiana's annual achievement test. A secondary focus was to determine if transformational leadership led to increased levels of teacher satisfaction, subordinate perception of principal effectiveness and increased teacher willingness to give extra effort. This study was conducted in Indiana middle schools with grade configurations of 6–8 and 7–8. The sample was stratified in terms of student population socio-economic status for schools which tested above or below state-determined school performance categories. One thousand two hundred fifty packets were mailed out to Indiana middle school teachers serving as department chairs and/or team leaders. One hundred twenty five principals were contacted and asked for their support of the research. Four hundred seventy-eight answer sheets were returned to the researcher for a 38% return rate. Data were gathered via voluntary completion of Bass and Avolio's Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Form 5-X (Short Form). The data were analyzed using Cronbach's alpha, Pearson correlation coefficients, Chi-square test of independence, Levenes's test for homogeneity of variance, and ANOVA general linear model analysis. Transformational leadership of middle school principals was not found to be linked to increased student learning. However, transformational leadership was related to increased teacher satisfaction, a greater perception of principal effectiveness, and an increased willingness on the part of teachers to give extra effort. Middle schools with principals considered to be transformational leaders were more likely to have an adaptive school culture. These transformational leaders were more likely to promote an adaptive school culture through staff reward practices. No relationship was found between being transformational leaders and promotion of an adaptive school culture through hiring practices or staff discipline, nor between transformational leadership and indications of teacher burnout due to stress. Transformational leadership of middle school principals correlates with increased teacher satisfaction, increased teacher willingness to give extra effort and a heightened perception of school principal effectiveness.




Kline, Purdue University.

Subject Area

School administration

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