The Indiana state -mandated accountability system examined with respect to the relationship between cognitive skills and student achievement

Roberta Kay Payne, Purdue University


The passage of PL 221 and its accountability component has educators in Indiana looking at all variables that may affect student achievement including a student's Cognitive Skills Index or as more commonly known intelligence quotient. Schools are being held accountability for student achievement scores in the areas of English/language arts, mathematics, attendance and graduation rate for high schools. Schools must research student data and develop a School Improvement Plan to increase student achievement to meet state expectations or face state sanctions. The effect of cognitive skills on student achievement has been a topic of historical debate. Researchers in this area have conducted a variety of studies producing a wide range of conclusions as to the role that cognitive skills play in an individual's academic success or failure. This study will present research on cognitive skills and other salient variables effect on student achievement and the degree to which they are being addressed in the state mandated Pl221 School Improvement Plans in four Northwest Indiana school corporations.




McInerney, Purdue University.

Subject Area

School administration

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