The Indiana state -mandated accountability system examined with respect to the relationship between gender and student achievement

Richard Michael O'Connor, Purdue University


There are several variables influencing students' achievement in school that are not taken into consideration as school systems are evaluated under the provisions of Indiana's reform initiative, Public Law 221. These variables are not measured within the context of language arts and mathematics ISTEP+ scores, results of the Graduation Qualifying Examination, or attendance and graduation rates, yet they may significantly contribute to the outcome of those measures. One factor not specified in the current Indiana mandated school reform initiatives as a possible influence on student and school system success or failure in attaining appropriate state level standards of achievement is gender. This study investigates the possible influence of gender and other salient variables on student achievement as well His the attention afforded to these variables in the School Improvement Plans of four Northwest Indiana school corporations.




McInerney, Purdue University.

Subject Area

School administration

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