Team role knowledge and performance: Development of a team role situational judgement test

Troy Victor Mumford, Purdue University


As work teams become more prevalent in the organizations, it becomes more important to better understand and predict effective team member contributions. Functional team roles are a potentially important tool for understanding the contributions made by individuals to the teams. Functional team roles represent clusters of related behaviors that complete critical functions within the team. The knowledge that underlies their appropriate execution, Team Role Knowledge is hypothesized to be related to Team Role Performance, and is the basis for the development of an assessment instrument to be used in the selection of employees in a team environment. The instrument is validated in academic project team and production team settings. Results indicate that Team Role Knowledge is significantly related to Team Role Performance across both contexts and explains variance in Team Role Performance beyond personality and general mental ability.




Campion, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Occupational psychology|Management

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