"Three-dimensional model for assessing fuel distribution on air and oxy" by Kris Lon Jorgensen

Three-dimensional model for assessing fuel distribution on air and oxygen fired glass melting furnace performance

Kris Lon Jorgensen, Purdue University


A three-dimensional computer model has been developed that is suitable for predicting and analyzing combustion, fluid flow and heat transfer in the combustion space of glass melting furnaces. The model is capable of simulating gas flow, heat transfer, and the major chemical reactions within the combustion space of a furnace. The model solves the Navier-Stokes equations for fluid flow along with a series of additional conservation equations for energy, turbulence and combustion. The k-ϵ model is incorporated for turbulence, discrete ordinates method for radiation heat transfer and an assumed PDF method is used for combustion modeling. The model was validated against two sets of experimental data. Good agreement between predictions of wall and roof temperatures and measurements were obtained, often well within the reported experimental error. Satisfactory results were also achieved for load heat fluxes for the two different experimental furnaces. Results from simulations of the combustion space of a gas-fired glass melting furnace are presented and discussed. Three separate parametric studies were conducted to give insight into the combustion space of the glass melting furnace that was modeled. The first examined several alternate firing arrangements for an air-fired furnace. The second was similar by considering three different firing arrangements for an oxy-fired furnace. The final study examined the placement of the exhaust ports in an oxy-fired furnace. An assessment of each firing arrangement on furnace performance is provided.




Viskanta, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Mechanical engineering|Materials science

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