Investigation of student use of Web -based tutorial materials and understanding of chemistry concepts

William Joseph Donovan, Purdue University


The purpose of this study was to investigate students' use of Web-based tutorial materials in general chemistry and these students' understanding of chemistry concepts. The Visualization and Problem Solving Web Site includes tutorial materials for several visual chemistry topics such as VSEPR and coordination chemistry. Students generally valued the web site because of the representations and visualizations it provided, the materials and information available on the web site, and because they felt that they needed help with chemistry. Many students who did not use the web site felt that they did not need help with chemistry and thus did not need this additional source of help. Both web site users and nonusers were generally positive about using the web to learn chemistry. Motivation was also a factor in student decisions to use or not use the materials on the web. To gauge students' understanding of chemistry concepts, students were asked questions about coordination chemistry and drew concept maps during the interviews. Web site users made more incorrect statements during the discussion of coordination chemistry questions, but the student concept maps did not show a great difference in terms of percentages of correct and incorrect links.




Nakhleh, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Science education|Educational software

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