"Telework and work attitudes: The relationship between telecommuting an" by Erica Israelson Desrosiers

Telework and work attitudes: The relationship between telecommuting and employee job satisfaction, organizational commitment, perceived organizational support, and perceived co -worker support

Erica Israelson Desrosiers, Purdue University


The present study investigates the relationship between employee telework and work attitudes, including job satisfaction, organizational commitment, perceived organizational support, and perceived co-worker support. A web-based questionnaire was distributed to employees at five organizations. Surveys were completed by 1,350 employees. A positive relationship was predicted between telework and overall job satisfaction, as mediated by perceived autonomy. Further, moderating effects of job level were predicted for the above relationships. A negative relationship was predicted between telework and perceived co-worker support, moderated by task interdependence. It was also predicted that teleworkers would report higher levels of affective commitment, and that this relationship would be mediated by perceived organizational support. Finally, it was predicted that teleworkers would report higher levels of continuance and normative organizational commitment than non-teleworkers, and that the telework-normative commitment relationship would be moderated by employee exchange ideology. The predicted relationships received mixed support. Time spent teleworking was found to be related to overall job satisfaction, and this relationship was mediated by perceived autonomy. Employee job level had no moderating effects. Time spent teleworking was also found to be related to perceived co-worker support, although the direction of the relationship was opposite what was predicted and no moderating effect of task interdependence was found. Teleworkers did report higher levels of perceived organizational support than non-teleworkers, as predicted, although teleworkers did not report higher levels of affective commitment. Similarly, teleworkers did not differ from non-teleworkers on normative commitment, and exchange ideology did not moderate the relationship. Finally, teleworkers reported lower levels of continuance commitment than non-teleworkers, contrary to what was predicted. Explanation of results, study limitations, directions for future research, and theoretical implications of the present study are presented.




Henry, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Occupational psychology

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